One Breath at a Time

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately working on breathing. The reason I’ve been doing this is because at points this year I’ve been finding it a challenge to breathe as freely as I would like and I know many of us have.

So here are my thoughts on just starting with that first breath. It doesn’t even have to be a deep one, or a held one or perfectly composed one. It can be a messy, spluttery, short breath too. What matters is the observation of it and beginning to know where you’re up to with it.

Here’s how I used to think working with our breath looked like…typical meditation postures, silent spaces- and whilst that is beautiful and can be very supportive of being peaceful, sometimes noticing our breathing is needed in some very different spaces!

And below is where I’ve actually used my breathing in my everyday life, even though it might not look like it…

Places it has been most useful this year, has been when I’ve been out in community serving others and it’s enabled me to be calm and present to help the people I’ve been able to. We need to release the idea that breathing mindfully is a practice restricted for yoga classes or singing lessons (both of which I love of course!) It has helped me prepare for giving presentations and gigs, helped me run sessions in busy hospitals when I thought I might be overwhelmed and in running errands when the world around seems stressed to the max.

My next blog will have tips on how to begin to use breath in everyday life so pop back for that one soon! In the meantime, begin just one breath at a time.

Best Wishes,


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